They destroyed Lady Gaga | Γκρέµισαν τη Lady Gaga
Το «Suck It and See» πούλησε 82.000 αντίτυπα την προηγούµενη εβδοµάδα, κάτι που για αρκετούς ήταν έκπληξη κρίνοντας από την όχι και τόσο θερµή υποδοχή που είχε το σινγκλ «Don’t Sit Down ‘Cause I’ve Moved Your Chair», όταν είχε κυκλοφορήσει τον Απρίλιο.
Without power, straight at the top reached the Arctic Monkeys (pictured) with their newalbum «Suck It And See ». And put so finally - at least for now - in the realm of Gaga,there on high, which fell to No. 3 (with the «Born This Way») as the No. 2 held firmly tothe Adele "21" of. The Arctic Monkeys, with their charismatic frontman Alex Turner kepttheir own records, to send that new releases (four total) straight to No. 1 in the Britishcharts. And became only the second group, which manages to have four consecutivealbums to top the first week in circulation. The others who did this - with a triaalmpoumand Ep, the «Night Train» 2009 - was Kean.
The «Suck It and See» sold 82,000 copies last week, which for many was a surprisejudging by the not-so-warm welcome given to the singles «Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair», when he released in April.
The «Suck It and See» sold 82,000 copies last week, which for many was a surprisejudging by the not-so-warm welcome given to the singles «Don't Sit Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair», when he released in April.
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